The Credit Validation function is used to check the status of customers based on the credit criteria set up in Customer Management and/or Configuration.

Maestro* provides the ability to block customers that meet certain credit criteria. Users can approve selected customers in batches or change the action to be performed.



  • Customer Management
  • Configuration – Invoicing
  • Sales transactions must have been entered for these customers



When users enter the Credit Validation option, maestro* displays a list of customers that have balances and that match the credit validation criteria specified in Customer Management and/or Configuration.

Only customers that do not have external codes are displayed by default in the grid. To display customers that have an external code, please complete step 1.

By default, maestro* selects the customers to be blocked or unblocked.

Note that the information in the grid is provided for information purposes and only the columns in the Action section can be changed.


The table below only displays columns that require additional information.





Displays the current status of the customer. If the customer is blocked, the system specifies whether the customer was blocked automatically or manually.

NOTE: If "Manually" is entered, it indicates that a user manually changed the status of the customer using the Block a Customer option


Displays why the customer's status was changed.

The reason for blocking may be from one of the following options:

  • Reason entered manually by the user using the Block a Customer option.
  • Reason for blocking entered in Customer Management.
  • If there is no reason entered in Customer Management, maestro* uses the reason defined in Configuration.

Total Balance

Displays the total balance from accounts receivable for the customer.

Number of days over

Displays the number of days between the current date and the date of the oldest unpaid invoice that exceed the payment terms.

Overdue Amount

Displays the total of due invoices that meet the credit validation criteria.

Customer Parameters

The icon is displayed if the credit validation settings used are from Customer Management.


Change the status of a customer

  1. If necessary, enter an External Code to filter transactions to be displayed, for example, by department. Then click the Filter data according to specified parameters icon.

This code is linked to the content in the External Code field in Customer Management. This field is used to generate a table based on the customers identified by this code only.

By positioning the cursor in the External Code field a button appears on the right side. Clicking on this button, maestro* displays the values previously entered in this field.

  1. Confirm the action to be performed by selecting the To Block or To Unblock column.

By default, maestro* suggests the action to be performed based on the validation criteria.

You can deselect all or select all by right clicking in the grid and selecting the appropriate option.

  1. Click Apply (F12).

The customer statuses are changed according to the selected action. If the To Block action is selected, maestro* changes the status of the customer based on the value selected in the Blocking Status field in Customer Management and Configuration.

To unblock a customer, simply repeat the credit verification procedure and select the To Unblock action.


See also

  • How to Managing customer credit